Meet Michael Burns, a driven individual dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of fellow veterans and their families. Having served his country as an active-duty soldier for a decade, including three deployments to Iraq, Michael's journey took a significant turn when he was compelled to retire due to injuries sustained in combat. Despite enduring a broken back, fractured neck, amputation of his left leg, and grappling with severe TBI and PTSD, Michael refused to be defined or hindered by his injuries.
Mike's Story
In 2016, Michael co-founded Operation Pay It Forward, a veteran nonprofit organization committed to providing comprehensive support services to veterans and their families. Through a range of initiatives including outdoor adventures, PTSD programs, 24/7 peer support, and various other services, Operation Pay It Forward has experienced remarkable growth over the past six years, positively impacting over 6,500 veterans and their loved ones across 47 states.
A visionary leader, Michael continuously seeks personal and professional growth. In 2019, he participated in the Veterans Entrepreneurship Program (VEP) at OSU, earning the prestigious Spencer C. Duncan, Make It Count Scholarship. Subsequently, he further honed his skills at Harvard Business School through their Executive Education program, cementing his status as a Harvard Alumnus.
While embarking on a new career in contract work for oil companies across the United States, Michael remains deeply committed to Operation Pay It Forward, exemplifying his steadfast dedication to serving others. He lives by the ethos of seizing every moment and encourages fellow veterans to do the same, believing that those who return home bear a solemn duty to honor the memory of their fallen comrades by living purposefully and making a positive impact on the world."
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.